It's About Fucking Time
I found the secret penis joke!
Loved the extra shaky action scene. As I recall, TANKMEN didn't have much action. Nice step up!
It's About Fucking Time
I found the secret penis joke!
Loved the extra shaky action scene. As I recall, TANKMEN didn't have much action. Nice step up!
Fuckin' A, man. Krinkels... krinkels, man. Be proud.
A Foolish Choice!
Such a gamble to release such an anticipated title on an already incredible holiday such as Madness Day... Nevertheless, you must make it. For the Rusty Spoons!
lololololololol awesome! Edd+Madness= AWESUM. That is the only correct equation
it's awful in an abstract form. Makin' it fuuny!
Hah, someone knows how to appreciate an hours worth of work.
We, the Pico nerds...
... Are seriously offended. STOP TEAZIN UZ!!
oookayy. That was f*ing nuts.
Do it again!
...You, know, you have absolutely no obligation to respond to this. Just keep it up!
I know I have no obligation to respond to this at all, I just like to.
Ya know, Rupee?
I think its very nice of you to respond to all the comments that are left on your excellent submissions, but it's slowing you down. You have only made two submissions this year! They are great, but don't waste time responding to assholes with abusive dads, but spend it on the Old Adobe!
Responding to reviews only takes a few minutes, it's all these games I play. :\
You did a damn fine job, RupeeClock.
*I liked the sun better...*
I preferred the arctic myself.