Two hours and you've already gotten in the Awesome collection! Well deserved.
Two hours and you've already gotten in the Awesome collection! Well deserved.
was that your voice acting? Since you'll never answer, I'll assume it is.
Yipee Skippy Doo da.
Yeah, they were me. (Well except the girl ones.) HI!!!!
Messed Up.
I get dreams like that all the time. My suggestion, never sleep.
Goodbye, Fred the Beard!
You and your awesomely random music videos. It never ends.
Holy Begebus Taco Cuddler!
I thought Albuquerque was random and insane.
Alert me if you make a sequal. I'd gladly send my face.
Thanks for the interest... But I think this is a one show only sort of a thing. I don't think it's got the legs to hold up a sequel.
Satire is great.
Nuff said. Go home.
Why didn't I review this before?
Helarious. Do Romeo & Juliet!